Monday, December 5, 2011

Should've bought a leaf blower...but inflatable flamingos are so much fun!

Its always the way, half way through raking the never-ending falling leaves in my yard, I am reminded by my nagging, practical and indecisive mind..."You should've bought that leaf blower!"
You know the one you see on sale in summer when no one needs a leaf blower, its marked 80% off as its left over from last years stock. But fooie, its summer and I could think of so many more exciting ways to spend the $50...this year it was new pool toys including an inflatable flamingo...I know you're jealous, what a buy!!!

Every year, I have the same conversation with myself and every year the same answer... "Well I'm done raking now, maybe I'll get it next year in the sales."

However, if its not my annoying mind nagging me at this time of year, its my equally as annoying "Mr Jones" like neighbor, who so perfectly-times the start up of his leaf blower as to abruptly na! I have one, watch me get this done in half the time and with so much "perfect yard-keeper manpower"...insert manly power tool growl here!

So now I am left, after raking for the 4th time this blustery leaf falling season, exhausted, chilled to the bone, blisters on hands (Ok I know, gloves next time!) and a death wish for all deciduous trees.(Not really trees, I love you, especially Magnolia...but grrrr!!)
What should I do? Go buy a "Mr Jones" leaf blower now, when I know they are in demand and full price? or wait for the sales in summer when I am sure an inflatable pool pony would be more enticing? or just not bother at all? Ahhh the choices we must make!!

Now that I think about it, as I am sitting down with my rum apple cider (more rum than cider) which helps with the burning sensation from the numbness in my hands, I find the horror of the raking I just endured is fading quickly. Clarity...could anything be more disruptive on a beautiful fall day than the never ending sound of a leaf blower, vomiting out a gas stench, while driving the neighborhood dogs to insanity? Really is it worth it?
Raking is so simple and intimate, the sounds the smells, the cursing at the leaves. On a perfect fall day is there anything more Fall'ish to do? See now I am torn, to buy or not to buy oh and which one? Or rake will I see you again, same-place/same-time next year?


  1. Julia, if he was a good neighbour he would lend you his leaf blower and if he was an even better neighbour he would give you a hand...

  2. We have a ton of trees and a leaf blower, but really, we just mow the leaves mostly. The blower is good for tight spaces where the mower can get to, but really I hardly use it.

  3. I hate those leaf blowers and their loud noises. I bet your neighbor is blowing those leaves into your yard! Besides, the best part of raking leaves is jumping in the pile later! Well, 2nd best next to the rum cider, of course! I vote for the flamingos and ponies!

  4. I used the leaf blower a little bit this season, but I'm not convinced it's easier than raking. It kind of kinked out my shoulder. We have an electric one, which meant dealing with a long cord that kept getting tangled. So, I guess I'd recommend sticking with the rake. It can be sort of Zen-like to rake if you have enough time to take it slow and easy.

  5. I'm with Janet, that's exactly what I was thinking...LOL.

    I love your post, yes we make decisions, and I guess that we have to live with them. But you know, pink flamingos are so much more colorful then a leaf blower. Good choice, and think of the cardio workout you get.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  6. Beautifully written and made me giggle! I think you answered your own question though - would the rum apple cider taste as good if you had done it with a leaf-blower? I think not ... :)

  7. Eh, I'm not a fan of the blower either, even though my hubby has one. He's only used it once so far, the other three times he's raked. There are so many joys that come along with raking...the pile to jump in, the smell of the leaves, the sound of them rustling around and I think the work out you get from raking is great! xoxo Jill

  8. We have a leaf blower which my husband got to use for the roof and I never use it in the garden. When I tried it I only blew the leaves further under the shrubs and blew the dirt away from the plants. I say save your money for more fun things like plants or pool toys. I might be weird, but I kind of like raking. No one wants to help me so I get quiet time alone, lots of time to think and burn some calories so I can have my Bailey's and hot chocolate to warm up with.

  9. Julia, making numerous passes with my garden tractor works great. Gets a little scary though driving up a three foot pile. I enjoy your blog. Thanks for listing me on your site.

  10. Raking is good for the heart, bad for the allergies. I like your slant on things and your polka dot boots!

  11. I just don't know what to say about raking. We used to have too many trees in a quite big garden and I would rake and rake like one demented. Now small garden and I guess 3 hours work in total - this kind of time is the perfect amount for zen enjoyment.

  12. I agree that it is always hard to decide between the really nice power tools that would make things easier or the old fashioned hand powered tools. I like getting out there with the wet, brisk smells; leaving iPads and gasoline behind. There will always be a place for inflatable flamingos in every pool, but a leaf blower?

  13. Raking is good for the soul and body. I say forget the leaf blower and buy some good gloves.

  14. Well, that's certainly true about pink flamingoes. They are definitely more fun. I have a leaf blower--hate the noise--but love that it also sucks up the leaves. Then, I use them for mulch.~~Dee

  15. Thanks for all the wonderful visits, I've been out putting my garden to bed this week and I'm happy to say the last of the leaves were composted today and it was enjoyed in silence! You have all inspired me to enjoy the zen like moment that raking can provide...thank you!!! now where is that cider ;)

  16. I used to just mow my leaves with a mulching mower, but now I also have a leaf vacuum-shredder/blower. I LOVE IT! I mostly vacuum shred and it lets me put the leaves into the garden where they can be mulch until the worms make use of them.


Thanks for stopping by and reading my latest post! I love sharing my gardening adventures and reading your wonderful comments. Happy digging...Cheers Julia!!

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