Monday, January 16, 2012

Snow Apocalypse 2012 is here.....

For the true meaning of this please refer to my earlier post!

The snow is here! The snow is here!! For all my friends out there (who I know are so worried for my well-being) I am safe...but only just! For my East-coast/Alaskan/Minnesotan (or anywhere that regularly gets snow) friends, yes Seattle is pathetic! We have 3in and I am hunkering down in my house till this ghastly storm blows over. I thought I should post a blog, just in-case I am found buried alive or worse yet, stranded in my car in my last attempt to out-drive this crazy weather and these freak blizzard conditions.
Thank goodness they have closed down schools (Ok it is Martin Luther King Holiday, but that is besides the point) as well as a number of local businesses, its close down mode for Seattle, with 15min snow storm updates on the news. With 2 more inches predicted tonight and a whooping 5in for Wed I don't know how Seattle will ever survive!

My garden is taking the brunt of this snow blast, with trees barley clinging on to life, suffocated by mounds of snow. The hessian bags which were donated to the cause, never made it on in time to protect the Jasmine, but will come in handy if I need to make huge sand snow bags to keep the floods that may follow, out! For now they are doing a wonderful job of protecting my front porch....

 Doing a lot of good! If only all my good-intentions came to fruition!

Here are some of my brave plants, taking the freeze head on. Praying for my Jasmine (which is growing around the base of the column) hoping it survives! It took a beating last year and after many months of TLC, I was able to nurse it back to health. It is not a fan of freezing weather, it lost most of its shinny evergreen leaves and outer limbs to the frost. This year I covered the roots well with mulch, fingers crossed. Not sure if it will take another apocalyptic storm though?

  Jasmine...stay strong!!

Winter hits my wisteria vines, but these suckers would survive a nuclear explosion, seriously!!

My Magnolia tree...look at all those gorgeous juicy buds! (it helps if you squint)
Think warm thoughts, my most favorite of trees!! Last year the buds were burnt by the frost which resulted in withered and brown poxed flowers, there really is nothing I can do to prevent this.
(sorry for blurriness, taken on cell phone)

So after braving some photos, a quick inspection of my garden, some shaking of limbs, a snow-ball fight and some daredevil sledding. I am now safely recovering back in the warmth of my living room enjoying hot-cocoa and Harry Potter movies, but man its hairy out there....

It's deceptively beautiful!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by for the visit A'mee!! I was having fun with my D-SLR until the card filled up after 5 shots...fooie! That will teach me to empty my card. After that the cell phone had to do...sucky quality though =( Looking forward to swinging by your blog today with afternoon cuppa!! hugs xx

  2. Beautiful snow! I'd take it.
    Is it 28 degrees or 8 degrees with the snow. I'd worry more about the temperature for your plants than the amount of snow.
    I'd worry about the people who don't know how to drive in snow on the streets. Stay home. :-) Enjoy that cocoa!

    1. Its funny I actually love driving in the snow, but gosh there are crazy's out there! Definitely makes me stay put until it passes. Plus I have the Harry Potter collection to get through and a new bottle of Baileys to warm up my cocoa, I'm one happy girl!! Hope you're staying warm...Thanks for stopping by =)

  3. We Washingtonians don't know how to react to snow, but we've made it through worse (I hope) than this. I don't think that it will be a long lasting cold like last year, so I believe most of the established plants will make. For now I'm thinking warm spring thoughts!

    1. Oh warm spring thoughts...I love it! I can't wait to be enjoying the shade of my wisteria on a warm, sunny spring day, sipping iced-tea...happy place!! You're right, the established plants should be able to tough this out...knock on wood! The snow has mostly melted away where I am, but they are predicting a huge storm to come through tonight, up to 14in. But ahh that is Seattle weather reporting, who knows what will really come!! Hope you are staying warm and toasty! xx

  4. Wow I had no idea you guys were getting hit so much worse than we are down in Portland. Good luck! I lived in Seattle (on Capitol Hill, emphasis on HILL) for 10+ years so I know exactly what you're talking about...(love the first image)

    1. Isn't it great! Its one of those photos that circulated facebook the other day, I just had to borrow it!! Its funny the overreacting you see here. Today's news story was how the transit system has come to a halt. It showed buses on plowed streets (that probably only had an inch of snow to start with) all chained up ready to go...bahaha! Is Portland getting much snow? Are they too in panic mode? lol! Stay warm down there...Cheers Julia =)

  5. always love the second snow not so much the first.

    1. The first dump is met with frustration, denial and annoyance, the second snow is when I surrender to the fun!! Hope you're doing well Greggo =)

  6. Nothing like a snowfall or two as long as it doesn't stay around too long...

    1. I am actually really enjoying my garden, its so beautiful covered in snow and not that the snow has stopped, the birds are all coming out to scavenge for food. Already today I have seen woodpeckers, hawks, a blue hereon and numerous chickadees, I love it!! What a treat! Hope the weather is behaving in your neck of the woods Janet? cheers Julia

  7. Don't worry, the snow is better than a nasty, bitter freeze! You guys are getting the brunt of this storm! Batten down the hatches :) Hope all your preparations work out. Cheers, Jenni

    1. Thanks Jenni, been thinking of you! Are you getting much out your way? My hatches are battened, now all we need is it to snow again like they! See total overreaction!! At least my plants are not being weighed down by large amounts of snow, like you say its now the freeze I worry about :( So far today its been nothing but rain, washing away the snowman. Stay warm Jenni..hugs xx

  8. That is what happens if it ever snows in Atlanta too..everything shuts down...we are just not equipped to handle it. It is best anyway since no one know how to drive in the white stuff. As a child I lived in the Seattle area and remember they closed down a road with a huge hill and we would all sled down it. Such great memories! Hope you enjoyed being snowed in!...and your plants survive!

    1. I had to laugh when a huge snowplow came down my street today...really Seattle, you need to plow the 1/2 inch of snow sludge? lol! I took the boys sledding at the bottom of our street the other day, not a huge hill but big enough that it attracts all the neighborhood times! The rain came last night so most of the snow in my area is now melt. Just wet and cold! My plants should be fine, they've taken a harder beating than this pathetic snow storm!! Hope you are well Karin, so glad you stopped by, its been a while since I've popped over and caught up with Southern Meadows, off for a catch up now...Cheers Julia xx

  9. That's the way we feel when it snows here, too. But, it's so much fun - for a day. Or until the toes get wet and cold. Enjoy your cocoa!

  10. I think I am OD'ing on! But really there is nothing better on a snowy day than a hot cup of it..mmmm! I even have left over candy canes from Christmas that we have been stirring it with! Its been fun, its pretty much gone now and my plants survive to live another day..yay!! Whats it been like out your way, must pop over for a catch up =)

  11. You have Bailey's so you'll be fine no matter what :) I can't even watch the news right now, they just go crazy over this. I'll believe it when I see it regarding snowpocolypse, until then it's just fun to play in.

  12. Oh, so true...deceptively beautiful! That's what I love about winters here. It rarely snows and when it does, it's delightful for a few hours and then gone! Enjoy yours!

  13. Yes, it is beautiful! And if we had that kind of snow, everything would be shut down for sure. I will have to vicariously enjoy your snow, but If it happens to us, can I borrow the sign in your first photo?


Thanks for stopping by and reading my latest post! I love sharing my gardening adventures and reading your wonderful comments. Happy digging...Cheers Julia!!

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